Ved at gå ind CushyCMS websted ("Webstedet"), eller bruge de tjenester, der tilbydes af CushyCMS ("Tjenester"), du accepterer og anerkender at være bundet af disse Servicevilkår ("Vilkårene"). Hvis du ikke accepterer disse vilkår, eller til vores Privacy Policy, skal du ikke få adgang til webstedet eller bruge Tjenesterne. Vi forbeholder os retten til at ændre disse Vilkår til enhver tid. Vi anbefaler, at du regelmæssigt kontrollere dette websted for ændringer.
CushyCMS giver dig en begrænset licens til at få adgang til sitet og bruge Tjenesterne i overensstemmelse med disse Vilkår og instrukser og retningslinjer lagt på hjemmesiden. CushyCMS forbeholder sig retten til at ophæve din licens til at bruge sitet og på ethvert tidspunkt og uanset årsag eller i fremtiden afgift til kommerciel brug.
Du er alene ansvarlig for din brug af Hjemmesiden og Services. CushyCMS giver mulighed for udstationering af indhold til tredjeparts websteder. Tredjeparts websites 'indhold, forretningspraksis og privatliv politikker er ikke under vores kontrol, og vi er ikke ansvarlige for indholdet af nogen tredjeparts websted eller noget link indeholdt i en tredjeparts websted.
CushyCMS adgang og gemmer følsomme hjemmeside login data som en del af den daglige drift. Mens vi vil tage alle rimelige forholdsregler for at sikre disse detaljer (herunder brugen af databasen datakryptering), vil vi ikke acceptere nogen form for ansvar eller erstatningsansvar for handlinger, der kan følge af disse data opfanges eller tilgås af en uautoriseret tredjepart.
CushyCMS LEVERER websted og tjenester "AS IS" OG UDEN NOGEN GARANTI, EXPRESS som underforståede. CushyCMS UNDERFORSTÅEDE GARANTIER FOR SALGBARHED, EGNETHED TIL ET BESTEMT FORMÅL, IKKE-OVERTRÆDELSE, oplysningernes korrekthed, INTEGRATION, interoperabilitet eller QUIET nydelse. Nogle stater tillader ikke fraskrivelse af underforståede garantier, så de foregående ansvarsfraskrivelse gælder måske ikke for dig.
Du forstår og accepterer, at du bruger webstedet og Services på eget skøn og risiko, og at du vil være eneansvarlig for eventuelle skader, der opstår fra en sådan anvendelse. UNDER INGEN OMSTÆNDIGHEDER CushyCMS VÆRE ANSVARLIG FOR NOGEN DIREKTE, INDIREKTE, SÆRLIGE, HÆNDELIGE, ADÆKVATE ELLER PØNALE SKADER AF NOGEN SLAGS, ELLER ANDRE SKADER (UANSET OPSTÅET, herunder ved FORSØMMELIGHED), HERUNDER UDEN BEGRÆNSNING, SKADER I FORBINDELSE MED BRUG, MISBRUG TILLID TIL, MANGLENDE EVNE TIL AT BRUGE OG bliver afbrudt, suspenderet, eller afslutning af stedet eller tjenester, tab på grund eventuelle links findes på webstedet OG MANGLENDE FUNKTION deraf og skader som følge af TAB AF BRUG, SALES, DATA, goodwill eller OVERSKUD, OGSÅ NOT CushyCMS ER BLEVET OPLYST om denne mulighed. DIN ENESTE RET MED HENSYN TIL ENHVER utilfredshed med DETTE SITE eller tjenester eller med CushyCMS VÆRE AT OPSIGE BRUG AF DENNE HJEMMESIDE OG SERVICES. Nogle stater tillader ikke udelukkelse af ansvar for hændelige skader eller følgeskader, hvorfor ovenstående udelukkelser muligvis ikke gælder for dig.
This Cookies Policy explains what cookies are, how CushyCMS (“Cushy”) uses cookies on their websites, and what you can do to manage how cookies are used. We are committed to protecting the personal information we collect when you use our websites and other services. This cookies policy contains more information on the following:
A cookie is a small text file which is sent to your computer or mobile device (referred to in this policy as a “device”) by the web server so that the website can remember some information about your browsing activity on the website. The cookie will collect information relating to your use of our sites, information about your device such as the device’s IP address and browser type, demographic data and, if you arrived at our site via a link from third party site, the URL of the linking page.
Cookies record information about your online preferences and help us to tailor our websites to your interests. Information provided by cookies can help us to analyse your use of our sites and help us to provide you with a better user experience.
Cookies are either ‘session’ or ‘persistent’ cookies, depending on how long they are stored for:
Session cookies are only stored for the duration of your visit to a website and are deleted from your device when you close your browser;
Persistent cookies are saved on your device for a fixed period of time after the browser has closed and are activated each time you visit the website where the cookie was generated.
Essential or ‘Strictly Necessary’ Cookies
These are cookies which are essential for the running of our websites. Without these cookies, parts of our websites would not function. These cookies do not track where you have been on the internet and do not gather information about you that could be used for marketing purposes.
Functional cookies are used to remember your preferences on our websites and to provide enhanced, more personal features. The information collected by these cookies is usually anonymised, so we cannot identify you personally. Functional cookies do not track your internet usage or gather information which could be used for selling advertising.
Analytical performance cookies are used to monitor the performance of our websites, for example, to determine the number of page views and the number of unique users a website has. Web analytics services may be designed and operated by third parties. The information provided by these cookies allows us to analyse patterns of user behaviour and we use that information to enhance user experience or identify areas of the website which may require maintenance. The information is anonymous (i.e. it cannot be used to identify you and does not contain personal information such as your name and email address) and it is only used for statistical purposes.
We, together with our trusted partners, use cookies for the following purposes:
We use these cookies to enable certain online functionality including:
We use these cookies to measure users’ behaviour to better develop our websites. By using web analytics services provided by Google Analytics we can analyse which pages are viewed and how long for and which links are followed, and we can use this information to provide more content which is of interest. We also use this analysis to report on our performance.
Cookies, including those which have already been set, can be deleted from your hard drive. You can also change the preferences/settings in your web browser to control cookies. In some cases, you can choose to accept cookies from the primary site, but block them from third parties. In others, you can block cookies from specific advertisers, or clear out all cookies. Deleting or blocking cookies may reduce functionality of the site. To learn more about how to reject cookies, visit or go to the help menu within your internet browser. If you experience any problems having deleted cookies, you should contact the supplier of your web browser.
Please contact us if you would like more information on the cookies that we use and their purposes.
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